Technical Assistance Facility Project
The development objective of the Afghanistan Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) Project was to strengthen the fiscal management and the budget planning performance of the Government of Afghanistan.
The project comprised of two inter-connected components. The first component supported the continuous improvement of the performance of the Macro Fiscal Performance Directorate General (MFPD). It focus on strengthening MFPD’s institutional capacity to effectively carry out its mandated activities set out in detail in its Five Year Rolling Plan including: (a) the carrying out of in-depth studies and analysis contributing towards fiscal policy and macroeconomic management; and (b) provide secretarial support to the High Economic Council (HEC). Specific analytical outputs under this component, requiring the mobilization of short-term experts and management of consultancies, were identified within the frame of MFPD’s Five Year Plan. The component supported the establishment of MFPD and set up of its new structure. The second component supported the Continuous Improvement of the Programs Implementation and Coordination General Directorate (PICGD). It focused on strengthening the institutional capacity of PICGD to effectively carry out its mandated activities set out in detail in its Five Year Rolling Plan, including: (a) the preparation of updated, consolidated and costed sector strategies and work plans, and ensuring their alignment with the budget; and (b) secretarial support to the Development Councils and NPPs. Specific analytical outputs under this component, requiring the mobilization of short-term experts and management of consultancies, were identified within the frame of PICGD’s Five Year Plan. The component also supported the procurement of limited office equipment and computer systems (including both hardware systems and software applications) to support the technical work of the PICGD.