Skills Development Program II - Project Preparation Grant
The development objective of this preparation grant was to finance preparation activities for the Afghanistan Second Skills Development Project (ASDP II), which was previously under preparation. The grant became effective on October 31, 2012. ASDP II is designed in a two part structure; one is financed by an IDA grant of $55 million. This part is implemented by the Ministry of Education. The second part is financed by the ARTF and implemented by Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled.
The chart above represents total allocations and disbursements during the lifetime of the project. To see the raw data behind this chart, go to the dataset and you will be directed to the World Bank Group Finances website. Once there, you can build your own views, share, embed, and download the data or your work. Read the instructions on how to build this chart from the raw data.
The Project: Key objectives of this grant were to establish key baselines to monitor the implementation of both ASDP II and the informal project as well as provide lacking labour market information on Afghanistan. The baselines will also be used to evaluate various interventions under the two projects (IDA and ARTF) to measure their respective impacts on labour market outcomes (employment, wage earnings, skills acquired, business ownership, etc.).
The project financed four baseline surveys (formal, non-formal TVET institute surveys, enterprise survey and the village survey). Additionally, the preparation grant developed and piloted a viable EMIS framework for DMTVET. The EMIS framework will capture the baseline data captured from PPG surveys and also digitize the information from the on-going voucher program and tracer studies in the existing ASDP project for necessary analytical work.
Expected outcomes
- Reports from pilot village survey prepared and submitted;
- Reports from employer/enterprise survey;
- Report from survey of informal TVET institutes;
- Development of the structure of an integrated Management Information System for tracking implementation progress of ASDP II.