National Solidarity Program III
The development objective of the National Solidarity Program III was to build, strengthen, and maintain community development councils (CDCs) as effective institutions for local governance and social-economic development
The chart above represents total allocations and disbursements during the lifetime of the project. To see the raw data behind this chart, go to the dataset and you will be directed to the World Bank Group Finances website. Once there, you can build your own views, share, embed, and download the data or your work. Read the instructions on how to build this chart from the raw data.
The Project: The National Solidarity Program (NSP) in its third phase, known as NSP III, funded activities for; (a) establishment and capacity building of Community Development Councils (CDCs) and their federations (cluster CDCs); (b) continuing roll-out of the NSP to the remaining 1107.26 communities not yet covered by the program and scaling up support for local economic and social development through provision of repeater block grants to 17,400 rural communities; and (c) program implementation management support, including program monitoring and evaluation.
NSP III was co-financed by an IDA grant of $40 million.
Project Results:
- Minimum of 70 % sampled communities recognize CDCs as the legitimate institution and respresentative of communities
- Minimum of 60 % of CDCs perform their functional mandates in the areas of community development and coordination, project implementation and conflict resolution
- Minimum of 70 % of sampled communities have improved access to services.
- Minimum of 70 % of sampled women representatives in the CDCs take active part in decision-making related to community development
- At least 50 % of total beneficiaries are female