National Solidarity Program II
The Development Objective of the Project was to lay the foundations for strengthening of community level governance, and to support community-managed sub-projects that improve access of rural communities to social and productive infrastructure and services
The NSP II Program provided continued support to the 17,222 communities mobilized under NSP I and reaching out to an estimated additional 4,318 new villages, the NSP II aimed to: (i) establish a framework for village level consultative decision-making and representative local leadership as a basis for interaction within and between communities on the one hand, and with the administration and aid agencies on the other; (ii) implement social and economic productive activities addressing the basic village needs; and (iii) develop human capital and livelihood, which would improve household welfare.
These goals were achieved through 4 components:
i) Provision of block grants to local communities to carry out sub-projects involving reconstruction and development activities through a facilitated participatory planning process. These activities focused on community-based productive and social infrastructure such as irrigation works, roads, water supply facilities, micro-hydropower, and school buildings;
ii) Supporting local communities through facilitation exercises to establish inclusive community institutions and identify local development needs and priorities; and assistance for preparing sub-project proposals;
iii) Strengthening the capacity of CDCs to implement sub-projects; and, building the capacity of members of local communities, through provision of training and technical advisory services in procurement, financial management and technical skills;
iv) Capacity building and provision of implementation support to MRRD, through the provision of consultants’ services, equipment, operating costs and training in financial management, procurement and technical skills.
- 22,513 CDCs established through democratic elections;
- 22,456 CDPs developed and completed;
- 36,054 sub-projects financed and completed;
- 70% of sub-projects completed with O&M in place;
- 8.05million people benefited from WATSAN sub-projects;
- 5.84 million people benefited from irrigation sub-projects;
- 4.27 million people benefited from energy/power subprojects;
- 10.59 million people benefited from transport sub-projects;
- 2,068 livelihood/Human Capital Development (HCD) sub-projects implemented;
- 212,328 people benefited from livelihood/HCD subprojects