Kabul Urban Transport Efficiency Improvement Project
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve road conditions and traffic flows in selected corridors of Kabul City.
Unprecedented population growth in Kabul, large-scale destruction of the city’s infrastructure during the war, followed by a growing concentration of security related activity has exacerbated the backlog of infrastructure deficiency. The capacity of the existing road network is diminished further by an astronomical growth in the number of motor vehicles that is today double the 300,000 vehicles the network was designed for.
The Kabul Urban Transport Efficiency Improvement Project (KUTEI) targets transport services improvement through a package of interrelated interventions, to build Kabul Municipality’s capacity. The project focuses on improvement of road infrastructure and provision of technical assistance to the Kabul Municipality in specific areas.
Investments in key road infrastructure will improve connectivity and make Kabul more inclusive, while technical and knowledge support will gradually transform Kabul Municipality into a modern planning and implementing agency by adopting best international practice.
Kabul Municipality is responsible for implementation of the project, including procurement and financial management.
- Traffic capacity improvements will be measured by average vehicle speed during off peak hours.
- Number of people (within a 500 meter range under the project) in urban areas provided with access to all season roads.
- Rating of surface condition of major urban road network improved.