DABS Planning and Capacity Support Project
The project development objective is to improve DABS capacity in distribution investment planning, implementation, operation and maintenance.
DABS Planning and Capacity Support Project aims to improve DABS (Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat) capacity in distribution investment planning, implementation, operation and maintenance. The Project is part of the core of the World Bank/ARTF’s strategy in energy sector interventions in Afghanistan, as it will contribute to DABS ability to sustainably maintain and expand the distribution networks. Project activities will focus on supporting the capacity of DABS staff by: (a) Developing a core training curriculum and providing general and task-specific training to managers and staff on distribution investment selection, planning and implementation, specifically on the preparation of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, procuring design, supply and installation contractors, and supervising such contractors; b) Providing general and task-specific training to managers and staff on distribution operation planning and implementation, specifically on the preparation and execution of annual O&M plans; and (c) establishing a training center in DABS.
- 50% of Distribution Operations staff in DABS with improved skills in investment planning, implementation, operation and maintenance through the project supported training and use of new training facility
- Annual O&M plans for six major load centers prepared and implemented using new standards and procedures based on good international practice adjusted for local conditions