Capacity Building for Results Facility
The development objective of the Capacity Building for Results Facility (CBR) project was to assist the Government in improving the capacity and performance of select line ministries in carrying out their mandates and delivering services to the Afghan people. This was achieved through the implementation of specific capacity and institution building programs, which included systematic monitoring of and reporting on results.
The chart above represents total allocations and disbursements during the lifetime of the project. To see the raw data behind this chart, go to the dataset and you will be directed to the World Bank Group Finances website. Once there, you can build your own views, share, embed, and download the data or your work. Read the instructions on how to build this chart from the raw data.
The Project: The Government faces significant challenges in managing these reform processes as transition moves forward. Enhancing capacity of the core civil service, with an emphasis on strengthening budget execution and service delivery, is critical to mitigate the substantial fiscal challenges that will unfold during transition. As donors begin to reduce their funds for technical assistance and project support, the Government will face an increasing responsibility for delivery of services in the context of a shrinking envelope of support. Government must have the skilled staff at the central and sub-national levels to be able to absorb and manage increasing amounts of donor funding provided through the Afghan budget. The task of building more sustainable, strategic and longer term capacity is therefore more urgent than ever.
The project supported the government's effort to improve the capacity and performance of core line ministries responsible for national priority programs. The grant helped finance the costs associated with (i) technical assistance for preparation and implementation of capacity building programs; (ii) recruitment of managerial, common function and professional staff for key positions in selected line ministries; (iii) a management internship program; (iv) training of civil servants; and (v) project management, monitoring and evaluation.
- Development budget execution rate improvements,
- Business process improvements;
- Service delivery improvements, in participating line ministries.