Afghanistan Digital CASA Project - Project Preparation Grant
To facilitate the preparation of the proposed Digital Central Asia South Asia Project to increase access to and reduce costs of regional and domestic internet traffic, improve public service delivery through the development of e-government services, and promote access to Digital Job opportunities.
Through Digital CASA Project Preparation Grant (PPG) (a) carrying out of feasibility studies for fiber optic connectivity options, networks, automation of e-services delivery, e- procurement, enhancing national data center and options for backup disaster recovery center, and preparation of related biding documents through the provisions of technical assistance and advisory services, (b) provision of technical advisory services designed to prepare a national broadband strategy; and environmental and social management framework; IT/IT- enabled services industry development strategy and roadmap; and geographical information system mapping and database development for national infrastructure an asset mapping, (c) capacity building activities to strengthen MCIT and ATRA to facilitate preparation of the project; identification of information and communications technology skills development requirement and implementation plan; and advisory services for national cyber security. (d) provision of training and workshop in connection with above activities.
KEY Results:
- Digital Central Asia South Asia Project is approved and effective
- Bidding documents for major contract are prepared