Cities Investment Program
The development objective of the Cities Investment Program (CIP) Project for Afghanistan is to improve the sustainability and livability of nine regionally balanced provincial capital cities (PCCs).
The program will support the government and the PCCs to build municipal capacity to improve revenue collection and design a system for performance-based fiscal allocations. It will also provide support to strengthen municipal planning and management through technical assistance, training, and supply of equipment and software. CIP will provide financing to five PCCs (Herat, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Khost, and Mazar-e-Sharif) to rehabilitate urgently needed basic municipal infrastructure to improve service delivery and livability. This would consist of localized and small-scale interventions with limited and mitigatable environmental and social impacts.
This project is co-finannced with $25 million IDA grant.
- Percent of surveyed project beneficiaries who rate municipal services satisfactory or better, disaggregated by gender
- Number of urban residents benefitting from project components, disaggregated by gender
- Number of PCCs meeting their planned budgetary improvement targets
- Number of PCCs meeting their own source revenue targets