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Governance and State Effectiveness

Afghanistan Land Administration System Project

Our Goal

The development objective of the Afghanistan Land Administration System Project is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

How We Deliver

The Afghanistan Land Administration System Project will establish an effective land administration system in Afghanistan that provides transparent land services, contributing to stability and growth; (ii) help close the gaps and further develop the policy, legal and institutional framework for land administration; (iii) provide the building blocks for a modern land administration system in Afghanistan; and (iv) support building capacity of the Ministry of Urban Development and Land (MUDL) and improving its governance structure to enhance institutional effectiveness and accountability. The project also focuses on women’s economic empowerment through policy development to enhance ownership and inheritance of land and other family assets.

This project is co-finannced with $25 million IDA grant.


The proposed outcome indicators for outcome (a) are:

  1.  Land Information System is operational and available to use centrally and in the Project area (modular development)
  2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and uniform service standards for MUDLare adopted and effectively implemented through its everyday operations (evaluated through independent assessment) 

 The proposed outcome indicators for outcome (b) are: 

  1.  Number of population with use or ownership rights recorded as a result of the project (disaggregated by gender) 
  2. Level of satisfaction of target population with cadastre and property registry services (disaggregated by gender)