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COVID-19 Emergency Response

Afghanistan: Emergency Agriculture and Food Supply Project (EATS)

Our Goal

In response to Covid-19 emergency, the proposed project development objective is to support critical food supply chains and create short-term economic opportunities.

How We Deliver

The Afghanistan Emergency Agriculture and Food Supply Project (EATS) aims to improve food security by increasing local food production and strengthening critical commercial food supply chains and provide short-term employment in rural areas in the development of productive assets. 

Expected results
  • Increase agricultural production capacity: 15% increase in wheat crop production in project intervention areas; 600,000 farmers using emergency packages of certified seed provided by the project
  • Support critical food supply chains: 120 private sector entities in food supply chains supported by the project
  • Create short-term economic opportunities: 5,000,000 days of short-term labor financed by the project, of which 200,000 are for women